Removing the four tiny Philips headed screws enables us to detach the back plastic chassis. This chassis houses an audio speaker and vibration motor. The touchscreen driver module is being gently lifted in this shot to expose the ESP32-V3 microprocessor chip. The secure flash element can be just seen in the top right, under the screwdriver tip. The central top black wire is the WIFI antenna which is routed within the watches silicon strap. Also notice the tiny round rechargeable battery cell, this is responsible for keeping the RTC modules time set correctly. The removeable rectangular connector in the middle is an image data bus feeding the 240 x240 pixel screen. The small metal can in the bottom left is a MEMs microphone, this may be used in a future release for a VOIP chat application, whereby the user can call and chat with any other IOTA watch wearers who they have in their IOTA contact book.